Friday, June 08, 2007

Working Mom's Heartbreak

In general, I think I have a pretty good balance as a working mother. I have an growing career, but I only go into the office three days a week. It's been a great balance from my perspective, but every so often, Jack reminds me that he has a slightly different view.

Yesterday, before work, I went into Jack’s room. He was just waking up and hadn’t yet sat up in bed, so I climbed next to him for a quick cuddle. Then we had the following exchange:

Me: “Are you ready to get up?”
Jack: “I have to go to work.”
Me: “You do!?”
Jack: “Yes, I have a meeting.”
Me: “Oh, I see! Who is this meeting with?” (slight pause)
Jack: “Mommy & Daddy.”
Me: “Oh good, so Mommy can go with you.”
Jack: “No. You cannot. You must stay home and cry for me.”


Anonymous said...

Wow- that was so poignant! Kids have such an interesting perspective. When my son cries when I leave the house, I try to remind myself that I'm a better mother to him because I work and continue to maintain my sense of self.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... did this just break your heart!? Kids are so smart and really pick up on things. My son (who is 2 1/2) will cry on the phone when I call from work and it literally makes me just want to race home. But I keep thinking that I'm working for him... but - oh... it tugs at your heart!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues

Susan said...

I love kids. They're so freakin' honest. Being a working mom is hard!

Susan at Working Moms Against Guilt